Friday, October 3, 2008

Qutoe of the day!

For those of you who haven't known me for very long, you should know that every so often I say something that is just so stupid it needs to be written down. We call it a "Stephism" and there are dozens of them. One day I will post them all and the context in which they were said so they make a bit more sense, but for now, here is todays stupid quote...

Lucas: "So what is the plan for tonite?"
Steph: "Well I was just going to meet her after she has a meeting with the people she meets with but now I am just going to meet her for that"
Lucas: "hehehehehehehehehehe!" (translation, "do you even know what you just said?")

Yeah, so I'm dumb and I'll keep walking around with my head held high as if I wasn't!

Here's one more just for fun:
I've been called lots of things but unforgettable is not one of them! - Steph 06.18.03

1 comment:

Aimee said...

dozens of them? no, there are hundreds!