Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ma'am, step away from the bike...

What the bootch? Are there even any Vietnamese women that have big boobs?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Depeche Mode

New album, new tour...'nuff said.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Qutoe of the day!

For those of you who haven't known me for very long, you should know that every so often I say something that is just so stupid it needs to be written down. We call it a "Stephism" and there are dozens of them. One day I will post them all and the context in which they were said so they make a bit more sense, but for now, here is todays stupid quote...

Lucas: "So what is the plan for tonite?"
Steph: "Well I was just going to meet her after she has a meeting with the people she meets with but now I am just going to meet her for that"
Lucas: "hehehehehehehehehehe!" (translation, "do you even know what you just said?")

Yeah, so I'm dumb and I'll keep walking around with my head held high as if I wasn't!

Here's one more just for fun:
I've been called lots of things but unforgettable is not one of them! - Steph 06.18.03